There are ongoing disputes between supporters and opponents of gardening. The last ones are sure that is a waste of time. You can buy all the necessary products in the supermarket or farmer markets. Yet, everyone who has ever tried to start a garden knows for sure that there are many benefits than organic fruit and vegetables. If you want to know what the benefits you can get from gardening, you should consider the following information.
- Lots of fresh air
Gardeners spend hours growing and watering beds. They start and finish the day in the fresh air. Its importance can’t be underestimated. First of all, the fresh air cleans your lungs. It’s one of the most effective ways to release airborne toxins from your body. Moreover, the fresh air is the best helper of the digestive system.
Being in the fresh air is good for your immune system. The fresh oxygen kills and destroys harmful bacteria, viruses, and germs.
- You become stronger
Although nowadays there is a wide range of helpful equipment and tools whose main aim is to make gardening as simple as possible, you still have to be rather active. For instance, even the process of pulling out weeds requires lots of energy. That’s why more and more people prefer to apply landscape fabric. It prevents weeding and creates a neat outlook.
Of course, gardening is not able to replace your visits to the gym. Yet, it’s possible to compare gardening with double tennis or walking.
- You lose your weight
Are you tired of the endless search for effective ways to lose weight? It’s high time to start a garden. Planting fruit and vegetables is an awesome way to burn lots of calories. You may be surprised to get to know that one hour of moderate work in your backyard or front lawn burns about 330 calories.
- Get rid of heart problems
Gardening is able to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. That’s why it’s a good type of exercise for seniors. It’s enough to participate in about 60 minutes per week in moderate activity to improve your heart health.
Moreover, gardening reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s. If you are afraid of dementia, you may try planting vines. The researches have shown it helps to reduce the risk of dementia by 35 %.
- No stress
The modern fast-paced life is full of various problems and problems. After a hard working day, the greater part of people feels disappointed, depressed, and exhausted. It sounds weird but gardening is an effective way to improve your mood and get rid of stress. You become calmer and more peaceful.
- Healthy eating
Nowadays it’s trendy to eat healthy food. However, it’s not always possible to find high-quality products. Even if you manage to do it, you should be ready to pay the whole fortune for them. Planting fruit and vegetables is the best way to maintain a healthy diet.
To sum it up, it’s worth highlighting that gardening is not only useful but also interesting and funny.